6 Ways To Uplevel Your Next Virtual Qbr

4 min read
David ZhangDavid Zhang

6 Ways To Uplevel Your Next Virtual Qbr

Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) play an essential role in client management and retention strategies. These meetings are opportunities to reflect on past performance, reinforce valuable partnerships, and align on future objectives. However, with the shift towards virtual environments, QBRs have transformed from boardroom presentations to digital conferences, posing unique challenges and offering new advantages.

To navigate this transition and ensure the success of your virtual QBRs, it's imperative to adapt and enhance your approach. The utilization of innovative tools and the adoption of strategic practices can significantly elevate the effectiveness of these pivotal meetings.

Here are six ways to uplevel your next virtual QBR:

1. Emphasize Pre-Call Preparation

Preparation is key, even more so when the QBR is virtual. Compelling pre-call planning involves segmenting the meeting into clear sections, assigning presenters, and preparing any necessary resources ahead of time. Ensure all participants have access to the agenda, goals, and any analytics or reports that will be discussed. Digital tools such as cloud storage and collaborative software can create a shared space for stakeholders to review and contribute to materials beforehand.

Performance data should be collated and delivered in digestible formats, with interactive visual components like dashboards or infographics. Preparing a tech-check one day prior to the QBR can help you avoid technical glitches that disrupt sessions and detract from the message.

2. Leverage Interactive Technologies

Virtual QBRs offer a unique opportunity to engage clients with interactive technology. Features such as live polls, Q&A sessions, and real-time collaboration on digital whiteboards can create an immersive experience that can sometimes surpass in-person meetings.

Through these interactive sessions, you can gauge the client’s level of understanding, solicit feedback, and personalize the conversation based on their responses, creating a dynamic and engaging virtual meeting environment. Tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Miro can facilitate these interactive elements seamlessly.

3. Enhance Presentation Engagement

The virtual format can make it challenging to maintain attention throughout the meeting. Break free from the monotony of lengthy slide decks by incorporating engaging elements like short videos, animations, and periodic sum-ups to keep the discussion lively and focused.

Using storytelling techniques can humanize data, converting metrics and KPIs into narratives that resonate on a personal level. This approach helps to illustrate the impact of your partnership vividly, making the QBR memorable and impactful.

4. Foster Deep-Dive Discussions

One of the main advantages of QBRs is the chance to explore significant matters in-depth. Virtual environments naturally lend themselves to breakout sessions, where smaller groups can dissect specific topics before reconvening to share insights.

Platforms like Zoom offer breakout room features that allow teams to split off from the main call. These targeted discussions encourage more participants to voice their opinions and contribute, potentially leading to innovative ideas and solutions.

5. Practice Mindful Time Management

Time management is particularly crucial in virtual settings, as digital fatigue can quickly set in. Keep the QBR concise and tightly scripted to respect everyone's time. Use timers for individual sections to stay on track, and build in short breaks to keep minds fresh.

Consider sending supplementary material after the meeting for a more in-depth review, ensuring that the QBR covers strategic priorities without becoming overwhelming.

6. Create Follow-Up Action Plans

The true value of a QBR is realized in the actions it prompts. At the conclusion of your virtual QBR, summarize key takeaways and mutually agree on the next steps. Assign responsibilities for each action item and set deadlines to maintain momentum.

After the QBR, share a detailed follow-up with the minutes and action plan. This can be done through a virtual collaboration platform where tasks can be managed, and progress tracked, keeping everyone accountable and engaged post-QBR.


Virtual QBRs, with their unique challenges, require significant adaptation from traditional in-person models. By emphasizing pre-call preparation, leveraging interactive technologies, enhancing presentation engagement, fostering deep-dive discussions, practicing mindful time management, and creating actionable follow-up plans, you can elevate your QBRs to new heights.

In an increasingly virtual world, it's vital to leverage the technologies and tools available to us to enrich the client experience and solidify relationships. By employing these tactics, your QBRs can become powerful, effective exchanges that drive business forward and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement and partnership.

Remember, the key purpose of the QBR is to demonstrate value, build upon trust, and set the course for future success. Within the digital context, every point of interaction is an opportunity to further embed your partnership and showcase your commitment to your clients' success. Embrace these six strategies to ensure that your virtual QBRs are well-received, effective, and distinguish your client service as truly exceptional.