The Pitfalls Of Multi Touch Attribution

4 min read
David ZhangDavid Zhang

The Pitfalls Of Multi Touch Attribution

Multi-touch attribution (MTA) models have become the cornerstone of marketing analytics, promising to shed light on the complex customer journey by assigning credit to various touchpoints leading to a conversion. These models can provide invaluable insights, guiding investments and strategic decisions in marketing. However, they are not without their caveats.

This article will explore the common pitfalls of multi-touch attribution, their potential impact on marketing strategies, and methods to navigate and mitigate these challenges.

Understanding Multi-touch Attribution

Before delving into the pitfalls of multi-touch attribution, it's essential to understand its role in marketing. MTA models dissect the paths prospects take on their way to making a purchase. Across this journey, multiple touchpoints, such as ads, emails, social media interactions, and web content, influence the decision-making process. MTA's purpose is to distribute credit for a sale across these various touchpoints, as opposed to giving all credit to the last click before purchase.

1. Data Collection and Integration Challenges

MTA relies heavily on large amounts of data from various sources, and quite frankly, the accuracy of these models is contingent on the integrity of this data. Marketers often struggle with:

  • Fragmented data sources: With customer interactions happening across multiple platforms and devices, integrating this data in one model can be challenging.
  • Data quality: Poor data quality, due to incomplete tracking or errors, can skew the MTA model’s outputs, leading to incorrect attribution.
  • Data privacy: With increasing concerns and legislation on data privacy (e.g., GDPR, CCPA), collecting the full spectrum of necessary consumer data is becoming difficult, not to mention ethically complex.

2. The Attribution Model Dilemma

There's no one-size-fits-all in multi-touch attribution. The decision over which MTA model to use – be it linear, time-decay, U-shaped, W-shaped, or algorithmic – can significantly influence the outcome. Each model comes with its own assumptions and biases:

  • Choosing the wrong model: Selecting an attribution model that doesn’t align with the actual customer journey can lead to misallocated marketing spend.
  • Over-reliance on models: Relying heavily on the model without fact-checking against real-world outcomes might magnify its inherent biases.
  • Complexity in set-up and maintenance: Fully implementing and maintaining sophisticated MTA models, like algorithmic attribution, requires significant resources and technical know-how.

3. Ignoring Offline Touchpoints

In a digitally-centric marketing environment, we often overlook offline touchpoints such as events, print advertisements, word of mouth, and call center interactions. These channels are notoriously difficult to track and integrate into MTA models, despite their potential impact on the customer journey.

4. The Ever-changing Attribution Landscape

Even when an MTA model is perfectly set up, the landscape doesn’t stand still:

  • Platform changes: Changes in platforms (like recent updates to iOS that limit tracking) can impair the data feeding into your model.
  • Changing customer behavior: As consumer behavior evolves, so too must the way we model their paths to purchase. Attribution models can quickly become outdated.
  • Technology and tool evolution: New tools and technologies may offer more sophisticated tracking and attribution potential, prompting a reevaluation of current models.

5. Misinterpreting Correlation for Causation

Attribution models can slice and dice the data to show correlations, but they often fail to establish causation. Just because a touchpoint precedes a conversion does not mean it caused the conversion. This misunderstanding can lead to overvaluing certain channels.

6. Attribution Silos

MTA models are frequently run in silos, separate from other parts of the business. This can lead to:

  • Lack of integration with overall business strategy: Failing to consider wider business objectives can make MTA insights less impactful.
  • Isolation from other departments’ data insights: Sales, support, and customer service data often provide context that could significantly improve MTA's accuracy.

Navigating MTA Pitfalls

Acknowledging these pitfalls is the first step. Here are some strategic considerations for navigating the labyrinth of MTA:

  • Prioritize data hygiene: Ensure that all data feeding into the attribution model is as clean and comprehensive as possible.
  • Choose the right model: Carefully select an MTA model based on your specific customer journey and business needs, and be open to adapting it as those evolve.
  • Consider a holistic approach: Combine MTA insights with other data and tools for a 360-degree view of customer behavior.
  • Regularly re-evaluate your tools: Assess and adjust your approach as platforms and technologies change.
  • Understand the limitations of correlation: Use MTA insights as one of multiple lenses to evaluate marketing performance.
  • Promote cross-functional collaboration: Ensure that insights from MTA are shared and considered across the entire business.

Final Thoughts

In an ideal world, multi-touch attribution would flawlessly pinpoint the exact value of each marketing interaction. In reality, MTA is fraught with complexities that can confound interpretations and skew strategic decisions. However, when used judiciously and in conjunction with other analytical perspectives, multi-touch attribution remains a vital tool in the marketer’s arsenal.

As the marketing landscape continues to evolve with technology and regulatory changes, adapting and enhancing MTA models will become ever more crucial. Marketers must remain both vigilant and agile, continually testing and refining their approach to multi-touch attribution to truly harness its potential.